Obverse and Reverse – Flip The Coin

I was delighted to see the final struck coin for next year’s quincentenary celebrations of Sir Thomas Gresham (1519-1579).  We, Z/Yen, ordered them to contribute to the celebrations.  The coin was designed by Xenia Mainelli (yes, a relation, one of my two cherished daughters).  This is the culmination of a four year, £250,000 project.  Yes,…Read more Obverse and Reverse – Flip The Coin

Master Of The World! … Traders…

What an honour, and a delight!  I was so pleased to be installed as Master of the World Traders on Wednesday, 25 October. The Installation Dinner was a significant event for Elisabeth, my daughters Maxine and Xenia, our friends, and me.  The Company assembled a glittering array of guests, expertly marshalled by our Clerk and…Read more Master Of The World! … Traders…

Friendships Better Than Professorships?

This month we, the Trustees of Gresham College, hosted the Lord Mayor’s Gresham Event at Guildhall (he or she is our President!) … http://www.gresham.ac.uk/london-the-global-maritime-centre-in-a-changing-world London – The Global Maritime Centre in a Changing World  Thursday, 28 January 2016 – 6:00pm, Guildhall   THE LORD MAYOR’S ANNUAL GRESHAM EVENT – Introduction by the Lord Mayor of the City of London…Read more Friendships Better Than Professorships?

‘Open Commerce’ Talk To Worshipful Company Of Information Technologists

Worshipful Company of Information Technologists, 83rd Business Luncheon “Open Commerce Drives Out Closed Commerce” Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli FCCA FCSI FBCS Tallow Chandlers’ Hall, 4 Dowgate Hill, London EC4R 2SH, 12 February 2014 Master, Deputy Master, Wardens, Alderman, Liverymen, distinguished Guests.  I’ve had the delight of knowing this Wonderful Company for three decades.  I worked…Read more ‘Open Commerce’ Talk To Worshipful Company Of Information Technologists

“Teacher, Tutor, Scholar, I”

Remarks to: the Worshipful Company Of Educators, on the occasion of the annual Franklin Lecture, Mansion House, 18:00 to 19:00, Thursday, 9 February 2023. “Teacher, Tutor, Scholar, I” – A Metaverse Of Education Or Conundra[1] Of Confusion My Lord Mayor, Master, Aldermen, Sheriff, visiting Masters, Distinguished Guests, Ladies & Gentlemen, Just two minutes ago, before…Read more “Teacher, Tutor, Scholar, I”