Taxing Times In Rotterdam

Elisabeth and I spent a week in the Netherlands during April. Ostensibly, we went to see our daughter, Xenia, during her studies in Delft. We were a bit miffed to find out there were no rooms at the inns of Delft and we’d have to stay in Rotterdam, until we found out that it’s only a seven minute train ride from Rotterdam to Delft, and further discovered the warmth and fun Rotterdam and the area had to offer.

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Bridging London

Remarks To: Masters Groups 21-22, 22-23, by Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli, Drapers’ Hall, 7 February 2022

Aldermen, Prime Wardens, Future Masters, Ladies & Gentlemen,

It is an honour to be asked by this evening’s mastermind, Erica Stary, to address such an extensive group here in the best ward of the City of London, in the very hall where I decided to become a liveryman of the World Traders.  Perhaps we should call this the Masters’ Open.

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In Memoriam, Dad

Another Michael Mainelli, my Dad, passed away over the weekend, at home, peacefully in his 87th year, with all of the family able to see him the week before. While other windows will open anew for all of us, a small, treasured window on my universe has shut.

Carry On Sheriffs – End Of ‘Two Term’ Report

One Term Sheriffs

We, Chris Hayward and I, have just completed a rare two-year term as Sheriffs, the first two consecutive terms since 1228 AD.  We, and our spouses, Elisabeth and Alex, are still adjusting to having left our Clerkenwell Cottages at Old Bailey, with 18 courts, 400,000 square feet of offices, 74 jail cells, two cabinets of medieval torture equipment, and no television, and have moved back to our homes.  It’s nice to have television, and to be able to call our former ‘consorts’ ‘spouses’.

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Strengthening & Simplifying Anti-Money Laundering In The UK

Closure Report On “The Sheriffs Of The City Of London & The Financial Services Group Of Livery Companies’ Anti-Money Laundering Taskforce 2019-2021”


The City of London Sheriffs for 2019-2021, Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli and Chris Hayward CC, chose “Primacy of Rule of Law” as their shrieval theme.  Connecting this primacy with ordinary businesspeople, they chose to use the convening power of the Sheriffs’ office to promote discussion around “strengthening and simplifying anti-money laundering” (AML) in the UK.  This is based around a core challenge increasingly important to the economic health of the UK:

“If the UK is open for business, then try opening a bank account?”

Professor Michael Mainelli
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Sheriffs Ahoy

At 10:15 on Friday, 1 October 2021, at Temple Pier, the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman William Russell, piped away his two Sheriffs, Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli and Chris Hayward CC.  Having completed an extraordinary two-year term of office, the first time since 1228 AD, the two Sheriffs boarded the City of London Corporation Thames Waterman ​cutter to be rowed away downriver and out to sea by a rowing crew under the command of Jon Averns, Director of Markets & Consumer Protection [don’t worry, they were safely ashore at Tower Pier about 11:00].

left to right: Michael Mainelli, Elisabeth Mainelli, Hilary Russell, The Rt Hon The Lord Mayor Alderman William Russell, Jon Averns, Christopher Hayward
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Carry On Sheriffs

Well, all good things come to an end, and after two years rather than one, a good one.

Our address to Common Hall was as Carry On Sheriffs for our Late Sheriffs Reply To Vote Of Thanks

Common Hall, Wednesday, 29 September 2021, Guildhall

Election of Alderman Vincent Keavney as Lord Mayor Elect, Guildhall, City of London, United Kingdom, 29th September 2021

Two “muted” signs in front of microphone stands.

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Biodiversity Shouldn’t Have To Pay Its Way

Remarks to: Pollinating London Together, Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers & others, 16 September 2021, Mansion House, by Alderman & Sheriff Professor Michael Mainelli.

Lady Mayoress, Masters, Aldermen, Ladies & Gentlemen:

As a teenager, I worked in a family bee business with some 300 hives at one point.  I was delighted as I rode by Drapers’ Hall yesterday, on my Ride Round The Range with seven of the HAC Light Cavalry and two police horses to go through my ward of Broad Street.  One of the most entrepreneurial wards where, earlier this year, one of our cannabis businesses was shut down, otherwise the two hives on the roof of Mansion House might be famous for some infused products.

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Alderman & Sheriff Professor Michael Mainelli’s Ride Round The Range Of The City, 15 September 2021

We, Michael & Elisabeth, must thank everyone most warmly for their fantastic support last week.  We truly appreciate everyone’s contributions, whether financial, organisational, or libational.  We had a simply wonderful time, and a terrific closing event for our two years in the Old Bailey.

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