‘Connect to Prosper’ celebrates our multiple Knowledge Miles, showing that the City of London is a place where problems come to be solved. Coffee Colloquies brought together varied voices from around the world to talk about how their work supports the achievement of one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals or another pressing global issue. Through fast-paced transfer of knowledge, with a focus on building connections, Coffee Colloquies invigorated our Knowledge Miles in the World’s Coffee House.
The format is:
09:15 – 09:30 Arrival and coffee served
09:30 – 09:35 Opening remarks by hosting Alderman
09:35 – 10:15 10 x 4 minute expert presentations, timed with sand timer
10:15 – 10:45 Open Q&A using Slido or other digital audience interaction tool
10:45 – 11:15 Discussion, Networking, Coffee
11:15 Close
To learn more about why Coffee Houses were considered Penny Universities, start with William H Uker’s amazing (and free) – All About Coffee: A History of Coffee from the Classic Tribute to the World’s Most Beloved Beverage (1922); and here a free, easy-to-read sample of the most pertinent Chapter 10: The Coffee Houses Of Old London.