On 11 September 2023, the Spitfires Past Masters Association 2018 (my livery group from my time as Master World Trader 2017-2018) got together with me at The Walbrook Club. Here is Mark Grove handing me a thoughtful gift.
It was a most generous occasion as they prepared me for the rigours of Mansion House – a light 2-course, comprising Cashel Blue Soufflé with Chicory, Pear & Walnut Salad followed by Roast Atlantic Cod with Crushed Jersey Royals, Shallots, Cucumber & Avocado Sauce, accompanied by white burgundy.
My hosts were: Maurice Blaber, Past Master Currier, Mark Grove, Past Master Cook, Tony Kench, Past Master Bowyer, Anthony Komedera, Past Master Maker of Playing Cards, Patrick Marsland-Roberts, Past Master Carman, Alvan Seth-Smith, Past Master Glover, and John Warner, Past Master Fruiterer.
While I have proudly exhibited the bus sign in the main window of the Venetian Parlour from my first day in office, surprisingly all year I found Transport for London also so helpful in guiding me home after lengthy dinners. Signs for Mansion House seem to be everywhere! We even have handy arrows to guide us out of Bank station.
Today though, as we moved everything out, the omnibus sign helped our driver return Elisabeth and the moving team back home, courtesy of Mark Grove and The Cook & The Butler.