Fratercula – A Whisky Like No Brother

A highlight of the mayoral year arrived at Mansion House today, the 695th Lord Mayor’s Whisky (or whiskey to us Irish). With the immense help and support of the magnificent Braeburn Whisky (Scottish) team, we have a very very limited edition for charity fundraising purposes.

And doesn’t it look spectacular:

Here’s a good look at the labels:

There’s little reason to explain the puffin passion/predilection/propensity/partiality/proclivity/predisposition/possession further, but the name? Well, ‘puffin’ in Latin is ‘fratercula’, ‘little brother’. Possibly my little brother will think it’s named for him. Sláinte!

PS – if you share my whisk(e)y interests, then you might well enjoy a segment from 1:03 to 1:18

11/06/20 Liveryman Martin Ashton 18.30 – 19:55
Virtual whisky tasting. Share your experience of your favourite whisky with your fellow Marketor whisky-lovers.
Access the playback here.