Pepys Day – Numero Uno!

We were delighted to celebrate our very first City of London “Pepys Day”.

225 people participated in a series of wonderful walks led by City of London Guides, leading from the Monument at 10:00 and ending at Mansion House at noon, whereupon we had a glass of champagne in celebration, and many decamped to The Hydrant for lunch.

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Amariconi Shuttlecoqs Are The Solution

Chemists claim that alcohol really isn’t a problem, it’s a solution. Here are two to try that the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress composed for the Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch. And try out the Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Masala too …



A subtle re-styling of the infamous Negroni.
The Amariconi draws on the Lord Mayor’s
multinational heritage and his love of
inventing Italian bitters cocktails.

Maker’s Mark Bourbon Whiskey, Campari,
Cranberry Juice

Stirred through ice, garnished with dry
orange & a cinnamon stick and served
in an Old-Fashioned glass.



With the famous digestif from the Lady
Mayoress’s country of birth as its base,
the Shuttlecoq is a reference to one of
her favourite cocktails and her love of

Jägermeister, Kahlua, Double Cream

Shaken & double strained, garnished with
fresh mint & coffee beans and served in a
Martini glass.

A Witter Shade Of Ale

Having teased Elisabeth these many years about her hair slowly becoming a ‘whiter shade of blonde’, we had to placate her with a wheat beer this year. Not a lot of brewing time given all the Mayoralty commitments, but off we went. We laid it down on 6 January with an OG of 1049 and sampled today at FG 1000 for an implied 6.43% ABV. There was a touch of added cardamom, but otherwise just the usual dosing with odds and sods.

Result? Not our finest, but our competitive brewing neighbour kindly said it was OK. However, well drunk with some great music!

from left to right - Dan Robertson, Mahari Hay, the Rt Hon the Lord Mayor of London, Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli

Power Of Inclusion – Accent Bias

Sadly, I sound the same in any language as I did when I was about seven, so I truly sympathise with people who are pigeonholed by their accent – [In the photo above, Dan Robertson, Mahari Hay, and I struggle towards mutual comprehension (!)]

Remarks to: Power Of Inclusion Breakfast, 14 March 2024, at Howden.

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